These are the rules of the South Vancouver Island Classics’ Soccer Association (the “society”) until changed in accordance with the bylaws.
Member in Good Standing
1. In order to be member in good standing a member must have:
ii) submitted the Players List Form and the Membership Dues by the first game of the season.
2. If a member is not in good standing the board may, in its discretion omit, the team they represent from scheduled league games until they are again in good standing.
Membership dues normally include an amount on account of the society’s liability insurance premium, applicable field rental costs, the injured players fund, disciplinary fines, and a year end tournament levy (deductible from the tournament entry fee).
The treasurer must keep an accurate account of all income and expenditures of the society and must deposit all monies received in a bank in the name of the society. No monies may be withdrawn from the society account without the signatures of two of the three designated signing officers (president, vice-president, and treasurer). All expenditures are to be explained to members at society meetings. Any expenditures over $250 require the agreement of members.
Injured Players Fund
The Injured Players' Fund Committee may authorize a payment from the Injured Players' Fund to a player injured in a league game to mitigate the harm due to financial hardship to the player. The committee should normally consider whether the player has other sources of compensation for that harm. Please refer to the Player Safety Tab for further details.
Team Responsibilities
1. Every team is responsible to the society for the action of its players and officials. It is the responsibility of the team to inform all players of the society's intent, principles and objectives and insurance waivers before they play. All teams must be self-policing.
2. Each team shall be responsible for making sure every player is properly dressed and equipped.
3. Teams designated as the home team shall be responsible for the game ball.
4. Teams must provide a net, corner flags and proper uniforms (team jerseys). Teams failing to provide the above may be assessed a team warning.
5. Teams are to report to the referees' scheduler if a referee does not report for an assigned game.
6. All teams in the league should be prepared to play games outside of their preferred times, days and venues. Scheduled games may be rearranged by consent of both teams.
7. Any team responsible for defaulting a game must pay the total costs of the game, i.e., referee, field.
8. Defaults should be avoided. Teams may use players from other teams in the league not playing at that time to bolster their team or may borrow players from the opposition when required.
9. If a team wishes to reschedule a game they must contact their opponent at least 5 days in advance of the scheduled date to determine the new play date and location, and must also contact the referees' scheduler and game scheduler. Failure to do so will be considered a default. Team Managers are not permitted to cancel a game without first obtaining the permission from the oposing Manager. Playing 10V10 or 9V9 is encouraged.
10. No standings will be kept for the league. As the league is a recreational one, teams are asked not to "run up the score" on their opponents.
11. A member must pay a fine of $50 for the first missed meeting in a season and $100 for each subsequent missed meeting in a season.
12. Team managers may submit comments about the quality of officiating or opponents behaviour. They will only be considered if they are in writing and specific. They should be sent to the Disciplinary Committee Chair.
Rules of Play
1. Substitution is unlimited. Substitution must be made during a stoppage in play and at a signal from the referee.
2. Outfield players are to remain on their feet at all times. Slide tackles are strictly prohibited. Players deliberately slide tackling should be assessed either a yellow or a red card depending on the severity of the infringement as determined by the referee. The slide tackle rule also applies to goaltenders if they slide to tackle an opponent. However, a goalkeeper is allowed to slide to save the ball as long as he plays the ball with his hands. Note that a player is not permitted to leave their feet to keep a ball from going out of player either, even if no opponent is in the vicinity.
3. Substitution is unlimited. Substitution must be made during a stoppage in play and at a signal from the referee
4. All other FIFA Laws apply.
Playing Rules
FIFA Laws apply with the following modifications:
1. No slide tackles or sliding for the ball at all, please stay on your feet. Goalkeepers must not slide out feet first. Shoulder to shoulder contact only. Play the ball, not the man.
2. Referees may send any player off for 10 minutes (or more) to "cool off." This player can be replaced. If the same player receives a SECOND - 10 minute "cool off" or (Yellow card) during the same game, the offending player will not be permitted back on the field for the rest of the game. This player can also be replaced.
Yellow Cards are an automatic 10 minute "cool off". Second Yellow Card in a game is a Red Card. Red Cards means playing a man down.
3. Cards:
ii. Red Card: player automatically misses the next two games, and possibly more depending upon the severity of offence.
4. Players should be aware that any contact with the goalkeeper will result in a minimum of a ten-minute cooling off period. 50/50 with the keeper, or a Card depending on the severity of contact; outfield players are to back off. Protect the keepers.
5. You may challenge for the ball on a cross/corner, but if you make contact with the keeper you will be sent off for ten minutes and may receive a Yellow or Red Card, depending upon severity.
6. Violent conduct, fighting or foul and abusive language towards an official will result in a red card, and a multiple game suspension.
7. Please refrain from any foul language as this will draw a card from the Referee.
8. Clearly notify officials when wishing to make substitutions. Ensure the official has acknowledged your request before making the substitution.
9. Respect the call of the officials, right or wrong. A minimum of a 4 game suspension will be inflicted for disrepspecting a referee.This is a recreational league. There are no standings.
Player Eligibility For the 2024/25 Season.
1. The league has three age groups: Over 40, Over 49, and Over 56 (+40, +49, +56):
Players in the over 40 section must be 40 or older in order to step onto the field of play. If you turn 40 midway through a season, that is when you can start to play in our league. Goalkeepers can be 35 or older by December 31st at the start of the season. (I.e., the season starts September 2024; the goalkeeper is eligible if he turns 35 by December 31st, 2024.) If a goalkeeper is under 40 he may not participate as an outfield player.
Players in the over 49 section must be 49 or over by December 31st, 2024. Goalkeepers can be 44 or over by December 31st, 2024. If a goalkeeper is under 49 he may not participate as an outfield player. Team managers of teams declaring themselves "Over 49" are expected to refrain from signing new players under that age. There is no grandfathering or exceptions.
Over 56 Section
Players in the over 56 section must be 56 or over by December 31st, 2024. Goalkeepers can be 51 or over by December 31st, 2024. If a goalkeeper is under 56 he may not participate as an outfield player. Team managers of teams declaring themselves "Over 56" must not sign new players under that age. There is no grandfathering. SaltSpring are permitted two underage players provided they are 53 or over by December 31st, 2024. Any Over 56 Team playing SaltSpring can bring up two underage players provided they are also 53 or over by December 31st, 2024.
2. Players can play for more than one team but must have signed and submitted the SVICSA Waiver Form and met the registration requirements of at least one team.
1. Matters involving the discipline of players will be dealt with by the society’s disciplinary committee.
2. The captain of a team has no special rights but is responsible for the conduct of his team.
3. Yellow Cards. No Fine.
4. The fine for a red card is $50. Before a player can play after serving a suspension the outstanding fine must be paid. The player will not play with any other SVICSA team until the suspension has been served with the SVICSA team in which the Red card originated from. Payment can be made by etransfer to AutoDeposit is set up.
The members have the power to bar from games scheduled by the society, any team, any team player, or official who, in their judgment has violated the laws of the game, the rules, regulations, by-laws or constitution or any type of misconduct which may bring the game or society into disrepute. This ruling requires a majority vote of 2/3 of all members. Members not present must be polled by phone or by proxy.
Team Warnings: Teams receiving more than one warning in a season for inappropriate behaviour will be fined and/or suspended from the Association.
1. Referees will receive full payment for games defaulted when sufficient notice is not given to the referees' scheduler. Payment will be deducted from the team's performance bond and must be reimbursed.
2. Referees will be paid the same fee as determined by the Vancouver Island Soccer Association for Senior level. This must be paid in cash to the referee before the start of the game. For the 2024/25 Season the fee is $40.00 per Team.
3. Referees assigned to officiate games in Sooke or north of the Malahat or Westshore may apply to the Association Treasurer for a traveling allowance of $25-$35 per return journey.
4. Teams are to report to the referees' scheduler if a referee does not report for an assigned game.
5. Referees can send a player off the field for a 10-minute "cool down period" when the situation warrants. This player may be replaced by a substitute.
*Referees may give this penalty for:
i. A tendency towards rough play.
ii. Persistent verbal harassment of opponents and/or fellow team members.
iii. Dissent towards referee.
iv. Any other behaviour deemed inappropriate by the referee.
A record will be kept of players receiving 10-minute penalties.
6. Yellow/red card reports:
Complete reports online. Yellow/red card reports should go to the Disciplinary Committee Chair Bill Nieuwenhuis.
These reports will consist of:
ii. A team behaviour (physical and verbal conduct) assessment for each team on a 5-point scale; 5 being the highest.
iv. The names of players given a 10-minute penalty.
Criteria to consider when making your assessment:
i. Team demonstrates sportsmanship by players showing respect for opponents, the referee and their team-mates and plays the game in the spirit of the SVICSA objectives.
ii. Number of red, yellow cards given.
iii. Number of 10-minute warnings given.
iv. Degree of quibbling over referee’s decisions.
v. Strength and manner of physical challenges that are appropriate for recreational SVICSA games.